Sunday, November 15, 2009

How can keep our Bones Strong

Bones are the main part of our body . whole body body structure are depend on it. when our body bones are strong we can do all hard work . how can keep our bones strong .

here is some simple tips:

Try soya foods. Soya foods very helpful to strong our body bonesbecause of their phyto-oestrogen content.Try two daily servingsof whole soya.such as edmame beans, or calcium - fortified soya.

Watch salt intake . Sodium can increase the amount of calcium you loss in urine . Cut back by limiting processed and fast foods andby not adding salt at the table .

Avoid high protein diets . Too much protein has been shown in some studies to increase urinary calcium loss.

Go light on alcohol .Heavy drinking may reduce your body's ability to abdorb calcium -and it can lead to fails . But having one drink a day for women , or two or two for men , may help build bones.

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